Take the free test to see if you are really a democrat!

Are you a Democrat

Welcome to Are you a Democrat

Many people vote a straight party line, not considering the changes in the platforms of their preferred party over the years.

We hope that taking this quiz will show you where you stand on the platforms of both parties, and you will give thought to the importance of voting your convictions vs voting for a party, if you "always vote for a particular party."

You may be surprised by your views.

Sources: Republican Party of Tx 2018 Platform: http://www.texasgop.org/
Democratic Party 2020 Platform: https://democrats.org/

Compiled by: Jim Cahill, Republican Precinct 1702 Chairman
email: freedomaction2022@gmail.com


Inflation: Are price inflation and supply-chain shortages negatively impacting your cost of living?

Immigration: Do you believe that the federal government is doing a good job managing immigration and maintaining border security?

Abortion: Do you support a woman's right to abort her baby for any reason up to the time of birth?

Education: Do you agree that parents, not school boards, have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of children?

Fossil Fuel Energy: Do you support U.S. oil and gas energy independence?

Self Defense: Do you support the right to defend your home from people who are trying to break in and steal?

Religious Freedom: Should government be empowered to punish people who refuse to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs (at work, school or home; in the military, in public or on social media)?

Marriage: Do you believe that a family founded on the traditional marriage of a natural man and a natural woman is best for raising children?

Women's Sports: Should women be allowed to compete in sports on a ""level playing field"" (against biological women only), without being forced to compete at a disadvantage against transgender biological males?

Election Fraud: Do you support requiring a photo ID in order to validate voters for an election?

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